
At the Center for Insight and Change, we help couples like you find greater joy and deeper connection regardless of the challenges you face or your history.

Most of us have seen couples who are truly happy and enjoying life together. They grow closer over time. They encounter the same kinds of challenges other couples do but come through those with even more faith and love. At the Center for Insight and Change we help couples become closer and have more confidence in their ability to remain close no matter what life throws their way. In short, we help people enjoy life together with greater ease and compassion.

This doesn’t happen through counseling or therapy. Instead, we help people understand how to access a different quality of perspective — one that enables them to see through their own and each other’s habits and insecurities and embrace a deeper source of warmth and connection. When couples understand where the warmth comes from in relationships, they naturally and effortlessly move towards feeling more connected and happier. They become less interested in worrying, arguing, or being right, and instead draw out the best in themselves and their partner. They learn to notice and let go of the kind of thinking and actions that diminish their closeness.

Whether you and your partner are enjoying life together but want even more closeness, are growing more disconnected, or are facing the possibility of divorce, we can help you feel closer and have a fresh start. Moreover, the change is fundamental and long-lasting; you’ll actually change the chemistry in your relationships.


  • Better rapport and communication
  • Greater appreciation, respect, and compassion for your partner
  • Deeper feelings of love and connection
  • Greater faith that things will work out beautifully