What the Center for Insight and Change is all about.

Twenty five years ago I came across people who were sharing a new understanding about psychological functioning that was having a profound impact on individuals and communities. After hearing about their work and the fundamental principles that had been discovered explaining the nature of how human beings create their experience of life moment to moment via their thinking… I was deeply affected.  I saw for the first time in my life that every human being is born with, and still has, innate wisdom and health and that this can never be lost or damaged. It was also clear that this deeper understanding can be accessed at any moment when our minds are quiet enough to listen. And it shows up in the form of insights. I was struck by the simplicity and truth of these principles and the impact on my personal and professional life was profound.  As my understanding of the principles deepened, my life, work and relationships became more rich and fulfilling. Since then, sharing these principles has been central to my work as a school founder and director, teacher trainer, educator, consultant, coach, and parent.  The insights that come to people via an understanding of these principles transform their lives, which in turn has a significant impact on the lives of those around them.

I have had the privilege of working with, and learning from, many extraordinary people in the Three Principles field including Sydney Banks, Dicken Bettinger, George and Linda Pransky and the rest of the staff at Pransky and Associates, Roger Mills, Aaron Turner, Sandy Krott, Keith Blevens, Ken Manning and many others. Words cannot express my gratitude for having encountered these people and the principles.

I have witnessed the incredible impact learning about these principles has had on countless individuals and communities throughout the world.

When a person sees for themselves the intelligent system operating behind their experience of life they have insights and their state of mind changes.

Whenever a person sees the role that their thinking plays in their experience of life they have insights that are helpful to them.

When a person understands that we are all hardwired to have our thinking appear real to us, and that it is not the outside world creating our feelings but our own thinking, they have greater freedom and confidence.

When we understand and have faith in our innate wisdom and intelligence and look within for insights, our experience of life becomes more and more beautiful, our performance is dramatically enhanced, we have greater clarity and a much deeper and broader impact.

Sharing these principles has become my focus and life’s work.  There is nothing I can do that has the same potential to impact individuals and the world in a positive way. Every time one person wakes up to their own potential and becomes more deeply touched by life and the intelligent system operating behind it, their work and the people around them are also affected.

That is why I founded the Center for Insight and Change.

Please contact me to set up a free consultation to see how we can help you experience more freedom, happiness, clarity, success and peace of mind. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


Andy Winter
Founder and Director
Center for Insight and Change


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